King's Gate Primary School

This is a video to help you learn how to pronounce the sounds that we will be learning this term, if you have any questions please pop in and see Mrs Gough...


What is a trigraph?

What is a digraph?

Supersonic Phonics Friends

If you need a new set of flashcards, you can click here for The Basics 3

Tricky words

Spring One Homework
Week Two

The basics three: y z zz 

coming soon!

Week One

The basics three: j v w x


Link to Mr Thorne does phonics j

Link to Mr Thorne does phonics v

Link to Mr Thorne does phonics w

Link to Mr Thorne does phonics x

Autumn Two Homework
Christmas Holidays
Week Three





 Week Two

h b f l 

Mr Thorne does phonics h

Mr Thorne does phonics b

Mr Thorne does phonics f

Mr Thorne does phonics l

Week One

ck e u r


Link to Mr Thorne does phonics - please check before showing your child

What is  digraph? (video made during lockdown so excuse my dreadful recording skills - it was at the beginning!)

Autumn One Homework

How do you pronounce the phonemes we are learning?

Week Three

How to dress for PE

How to put on your coat

This week home learning is to practise skills that will help us out in the classroom.

Week Four


s, a home learning activity

Link to Mr Thorne does Phonics s

Link to Mr Thorne does Phonics a

Link to Alphablocks SATP episode to reinforce our learning

Week Five

t, p home learning activity

Link to Mr Thorne does Phonics t

Link to Mr Thorne does Phonics p

Link to Alphablocks SATP episode to reinforce our learning

Week Six


i, n, m, d home learning activity

 Link to Mr Thorne does Phonics i

Link to Mr Thorne does Phonics n

Link to Mr Thorne does Phonics m

Link to Mr Thorne does Phonics d

Link to Alphablocks IN episode to reinforce our learning

Link to Alphablocks M episode to reinforce our learning

Link to Alphablocks D episode to reinforce our learning

Week Seven

g, o, c, k home learning activity

 Link to Mr Thorne does Phonics g

Link to Mr Thorne does Phonics o

Link to Mr Thorne does Phonics c

Link to Mr Thorne does Phonics k

Link to Alphablocks OG episode to reinforce our learning

Link to Alphablocks C episode to reinforce our learning


Half Term Homework

Autumn reading activity additional, if you would like a game to play!